Thursday, July 13, 2006


"wes ga usah melok kemping tho le. nang rawa bayu akeh lumpur hidup (udah, ga usah ikut kemping lah nak. di rawa bayu banyak pasir hisap)" itulah kata-kata ibuku waktu melarang kakakku ikut kemping bareng teman2 SMPnya sekitar 20 tahun yang lalu. ketika itu aku masih esde, mungkin kelas dua ato tiga. dan mulai saat itu aku selalu takut dengan lumpur hidup/pasir hisap/quicksand , hingga saat ini aku selalu berhati-hati menginjakkan kaki di permukaan rawa, apalagi yang tertutup lumut ato tumbuhan2 kecil.

di film2 juga sering digambarkan orang terjebak pasir hisap ini, dimana semakin dia bergerak semakin dalam dia akan tenggelam dalam pasir hisap."With quicksand, the more you struggle in it the faster you will sink. If you just relax, your body will float in it because your body is less dense than the quicksand." tapi aku sedikit lega ketika tau bahwa sangat jarang pasir hisap dengan kedalaman melebihi beberapa kaki.

seandainya masih terjebak juga dalam pasir hisap, how to escape?
The human body has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot (1 g/cm3) and is able to float on water. Quicksand is denser than water -- it has a density of about 125 pounds per cubic foot (2 g/cm3) -- which means you can float more easily on quicksand than on water. The key is to not panic. Most people who drown in quicksand, or any liquid for that matter, are usually those who panic and begin flailing their arms and legs.
It may be possible to drown in quicksand if you were to fall in over your head and couldn't get your head back above the surface, although it's rare for quicksand to be that deep. Most likely, if you fall in, you will float to the surface. However, the sand-to-water ratio of quicksand can vary, causing some quicksand to be less buoyant.
The worst thing to do is to thrash around in the sand and move your arms and legs through the mixture. You will only succeed in forcing yourself farther down into the liquid sandpit. The best thing to do is to make slow movements and bring yourself to the surface, then just lie back. You'll float to a safe level.
When you try pulling your leg out of quicksand, you are working against a vacuum left behind by the movement, according to The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. The authors of the book advise you to move as slowly as possible in order to reduce viscosity. Also, try spreading your arms and legs far apart and leaning over to increase your surface area, which should allow you to float.
While quicksand remains the hackneyed convention of bad adventure movies, there's very little to be afraid of in real life. As long as you keep a cool head in the situation, the worst result will be a shoe full of wet sand.

for more info click here


setidak-tidaknya sekarang aku tidak terlalu takut dengan pasir hisap


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